About Us

At Mesozoic Market, we offer authentic fossils of dinosaurs and other prehistoric organisms for your own personal museum at home.

We primarily focus on dinosaurs and other Mesozoic fauna, but may offer other material on occasions. We prefer to only carry fossils and specimens with low or negligible scientific value. These include teeth, isolated bones, and even claws on occasion.

As collectors ourselves, we want to spread the joy of collecting fossils. While fossils often invoke the image of expensive or too rich to touch, most fossils are reasonably affordable without having millions of dollars in the bank.

The high profile sales like entire Tyrannosaurus rex skeletons are extreme outliers despite pop culture and media's portrayal of fossils. Many fossils, even those of dinosaurs and other vertebrates have become increasingly available at affordable prices to hobbyists at any level.

We hope to dispel the myth that fossils are only for the wealthy elites or professional academics. Fossils should and can be enjoyed by anyone of any income, profession, or age.

If you have any questions of concerns, please contact us at sales@mesozoicmarket.com or use our contact page.